
Why You Should Buy a New vs. Used Outboard Motor

Posted by Bixpy on Apr 27th 2022

Why You Should Buy a New vs. Used Outboard Motor

Debating within yourself whether you want something old versus something new is always a battle. You can create a list of the pros and cons, confusing yourself even more. If you are having this strugg …

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Can You Put a Motor on a Kayak?

Posted by Bixpy on Apr 15th 2022

Can You Put a Motor on a Kayak?

Are you excited about kayaking? It is an enjoyable and fun hobby that can also help you reach your fitness goals. But what if you go on a longer trip, your arms and shoulders start aching, and you …

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Why You Should Plan a Spring Break Camping Trip

Posted by Bixpy on Apr 13th 2022

Why You Should Plan a Spring Break Camping Trip

In spring, we welcome blossoming flowers and foliage. Animals return from their winter migration or awaken from hibernation. And many species of animals bring a new generation into the world during …

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